Peas Planting Update!

The peas are in flower!Peas in Flower2

A few people may have planted their peas in March this year as Mr. Hart did, and if so, you might be getting ready to enjoy the first fresh peas from your garden. These plants started flowering a few days ago and should be heading into the Hart family kitchen in about 10 days – that is if the grazing grandchildren don’t eat them first!

If you think you’ve missed the window for planting your pea seeds, why not try planting them now for “pea shoots”? The tender young vine tips are delicious sauteed. You can use any garden pea variety but the edible pod type, such as Sugar Ann, have the most tender shoots. Plant the seeds anytime this summer and start harvesting shoots in just 4 weeks! Remove 6 inches of the terminal vine once it reaches 12 inches tall, then you’ll have additional lateral vines to harvest as the season continues. The shoots, tendrils and flower buds are all appearing in the specialty markets now. Why not enjoy them fresh from your own garden?