Best for Beneficials

These days our small friends who help the plants need all the assistance they can get. With that in mind, we assembled our Best for Beneficials collection. These are plants that support our pollinators, a collection of flowers, vegetables and herbs, that act as host or nectar plants for the various insects and birds that help to pollinate. View our collection of Beneficial Attractants below!

Here are directions on how to plant Hart Seed flower seeds:

  • Step 1: Fill biodegradable planting containers with the appropriate potting soil. Choose the size pot and potting mix based on how long you anticipate the plant will be living in the container. Growing flowers in your house year round can be done in larger 5 inch and 6 inch pots and using a high quality potting mix.
  • Step 2: Plant Hart Seed flower seeds according to instructions on the seed packet.
  • Step 3: Water and fertilize as needed.
  • Step 4: When the weather conditions are appropriate for planting your flower garden, plant the biodegradable pot with the plant into the ground following the guidelines for spacing.

Now you can place your flowers where you want to in the landscape! A great garden starts with only the best flower seeds, Hart Seeds!